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A Christmas Feeling

A few ideas for a Christmas blog have been gnawing at me for the past few weeks, but with the hustle and bustle of Christmas preparation, writing time has been limited.  Today changed all that when I took my son to see the new “Grinch” movie.  I guess you could say the “green” guy swelled my heart three sizes, causing those Christmas thoughts to meander around in my head again.


When it comes to Christmas, nostalgia gets me every time when I hear Christmas music or watch Christmas movies from my youth.  For in those moments, all is right in the world.  I find myself daydreaming of times past and loved ones no longer with me.  I savor and take comfort in my present through emotions of my past.  Who is it that coined the expression, “You can never go home again?”  While that might be true in some instances,  it doesn’t apply to Christmas time.  During the Christmas season, nostalgia reigns supreme, and I find myself home again with a case of “The Christmas Feeling.”

It comes for me automatically when I hear Linus’ speech on what Christmas is all about.

or I think about my favorite, frazzled Christmas mouse.

That little mouse has been around a long time.  Since 1974 to be exact.  This song from Twas the Night Before Christmas is forever imprinted on my memory.

But there are other times, “The Christmas Feeling” just creeps up and surprises me.  Today as I was watching the Grinch with my son it got me.

The sentiment in the Grinch’s eyes as he offered his faithful pup a small Christmas gift  caused tears to stream down my cheeks without warning.  In that moment, my heart felt grateful and thankful for my life and the love that has surrounded me, past and present.  I thought of my beloved mother with her crazy hair sticking out every which way on Christmas morning.  I felt the hugs of my grandfather.  I tasted the popcorn balls and homemade punch my grandmother used to make.  I experienced the laughter I shared with my cousins as we each took our turn to color in our grandmother’s Christmas coloring book.


But most of all, in that moment, I felt the love of my children and the pride I feel for having been graced with each of them.  My Matthew John with his big smile who is all grown up now.  My Emily Violet with her big warm heart, who is finding her way in the world.  My little Miles, my ball of innocence.  His big hugs and delicious laugh that rings out like a bell.

Matthew John

Emily Violet


If it were not for my Miles laughing and crying with me this fine Monday afternoon in a movie theater, this blog would not have come to be.  Our time today with the Grinch and my “Christmas Feeling” caused me to stop, listen, and remember.  Out of this experience, I am reminded to slow down and not be driven by the need to purchase gifts for my loved ones.  For I have more Christmas memories to make with my family.  More moments to experience and savor.  When you compared that to the hustle and bustle of gifting buying, gifts ain’t got a chance.  So slow down, and have yourself a Merry Little Christmas!


Wikipedia, 2018.  ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas [photograph].  Retrieved from:

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